Annual Giving Campaign
Memorial Fund
$50 for our 50th
$50 for our 50th
March 10, 2020

To the Alumni, Families, and Supporters of Piedmont Academy:

As you know, this school year, we are celebrating the golden anniversary of Piedmont Academy. This is a great opportunity to remember the families, friends, and moments that created the history of this little school we love. We think back to the beginning, to a group of families who came together to plan, organize, fund, construct, and staff a new school that would hopefully educate generations of children. These folks did not just write checks and order up what they wanted. Ohhh, no! Long days, late nights, sweat, tears, and love formed the foundation upon which Piedmont is built. The dedication and support shown by this group of founding parents would be the example for all of us who would come later to keep the school going, growing, and moving forward. I extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all they did then and continue to do now.

Though blessed with a strong group of founders, no school can be successful without faculty, staff, and administrators of great ability and high character. Through the years, our quality teachers have shown great ability to instruct, nurture, guide, and encourage students. Staff members and administrators have worked diligently and with great care to keep daily operations running. Their combined efforts, day by day, have helped Piedmont students to achieve at a high level and succeed in building the best life possible for themselves and their families.

Of course, there have also been volunteers - parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends, local business owners, and community folks who have contributed countless hours and donations for all of those things that don?t quite get done otherwise. A very sincere ?Thank You? goes out to all who have given their time and resources to keep our school going strong.

Each of us holds special memories of people and events at Piedmont. We are part of the epic story that has run for half a century. Every contribution, large or small, has helped to bring us where we are today. I am so very proud to be a part of this story, and I trust you are, too!

In honor of this 50th anniversary, and to show appreciation for the hard work and foresight of our founding families, I am asking all Piedmont alumni for a gift to our school of just $50.00. Parents, grandparents, and other family members of a Piedmont graduate or current student are encouraged to contribute, as well. We also invite community members and area businesses to share in our celebration and to support the school in this way. Your gifts will be placed in a special fund that will be used to build on our educational foundation by expanding classroom resources, upgrading technology, improving facilities, and planning for future growth. You may make your gift by going to our website. www.piedmontacademy.com and clicking on the link, ?$50 for our 50th? on the main page, or if you prefer, you may mail a check to ?Piedmont Academy, Inc., P. O. Box 231, Monticello, Georgia 31064

Thank you, again, for all you have done to help Piedmont Academy reach this historic milestone. Please continue to support this wonderful institution, not only financially, but also prayerfully, so that it may continue to ?cast a wide net? of strength and positive values upon the young people in our area. Your prayers and contributions will ensure our beloved school is strong for another fifty years and beyond.


Bryan W. Bush
Piedmont Academy Board of Trustees

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